OxyNorm ral solution 1mg/ml _'
5, m O
Box of 1 bottle of 100ml = >, 4:
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bminins 1210 anuowxuoiu auoooaÁxo
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63163x1 12mm
CSN-CON—I 5 P0753-A
Each 5ml contains 4.5mg 01 oxycodone
as oxycodone hydrochlon'de 5mg.
Indudes: sodium benzoste (E2111
Please read the enclosed leattet.
Manutacttuetl Im
Mundiphafma Phannaceưticals Limited.
13 Othellos Street, Dhali lndustnal Zone.
2540-N100s1a. Cyprus.
, Oxycodme hyơochtonde oral solution 4 Oxycođcne hydvochtonde oral sotution
'… … m … ttnẫiằtiĩbtỉ.ãhẳeịnì -…i "5 ' ' ' -…i ' Ị umming Attihot1satibtt Hotơu:
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iẫĨẵn i…q'ễh ằị°…ymầiĩỉ … t,…ịn', J£°Zỉẩhảỉh . MundWrma Pharmaceuncals Pte— … “°" °"' °' "" "“" “"" ²'°m
kh đunọ DI u tlm tay uẽơm Mn quán nol mâl mè khó 140 đ ' Singapore Of chllửen.
như! dò dua W'f Chl đrih. íhdnq (hi tinh, 1161: dung-drh dung. | . .
ntc … hu… 1… yvá t……q tin id… xln Occ tớhuớnq tiJn tti I Store … a cooi dry place beiow 30 C
°dung km theo N51 Munủphimu thmzaceutkdtttd, 1! l
lomelm Stt ,oml: lndmtmt Zone lSAO-Nưmla. cypmt '.
:Sđ lo sx. NsX,HD …… m.…u. 1xnm vỏhoọ i
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mg m mg ml . VAN PHONG ’o\
Orai L›UiUilUil ị Omi sulutum I
Taken by mouttt every 4-6 hous Taken by moưth every 4% hours
MAN , ²
EXP \ Nguyen Phương
OxyNorm Oral solution 1mg/ml
Bottle of 100 ml
Each 5 ml contains 4.5 mg of oxycodone as oxycodone hydrochloride 5mg.
0 X y N O r mTM lndudes: sodium benzoate (15211)
Please read the endosed leatiet. Keep out “' the reach and s1ght
_ _ ot children.
0W²°d°ne th'°°N°nde °fa' s°lmmn Manufachưed by: Marketing Authodsation Holđer: _ ,
Mundipharma Mundipharma Pharmaceuticals Pte. Ltd. Store '" a cool dry place below 30 C
1 ] Pharmaceuticals Limited, Singapore
111 g ml 13 Othelios Street,
"J JIíti \(1iki tt… Dhali lndustrial Zone.
1811… by mouth every 4-6 hours CVWUS-
/ . l BN
mund I MAN
Ng uyển Phương
OxyNorm Oral solution 1mg/ml
Box of 1 bottle of 250m1
,… … l… 093
1:0unịos ltuo apucnx1moiu auonoang
__uuoNÁxo } &?"
Manưtuturu! by:
Mundinharma Phumaceuncals umtted.
13 Othelns sum, mm hdustrial Zone,
2540—Nm51a. Onms.
Multơtlnu Aưttmtlntlnn Itdder: Oxycodone hyđ'tiChlti’ 0c mai sthion
Mundluharma Phumceuttcsls Pte. Ltd
:Rx Thuỏc bán Ith đơi
.›40p 1 lo 250 mi úung dlch uớnq
cm 5 ml chùa 5 mg uxy
+ "Lưu ý những sản phẩm đăng trên website thuộc loại thực phẩm chức năng: những sản phẩm này không phải là thuốc và không có tác dụng thay thế thuốc chữa bệnh"
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