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2.201) 10 121 Ớh ²) cc v TẾ “" CỤC QL'ẢN LÝ DƯỢC ĐÃ PHÊ DUYỆT Lãn đãu:..QẨJ...Ẻ……J…ẮẺPAZL Rx Prescription only 14 tablets Mlt m……w umzđđimnwm @ Mnnufnctumd tuy: NABIQASIM INDUSTRIES (M) LTD nlAm … 17/24. Knrmgilndmbl , . ủmmnnunm: Knpinndbinnuldhludtddiùun. huluhún ……maaonnnlluiunm… lùm. …uúđyIn … ẢÙIẢÙd Tnhnlddmlnuuublmdlng'ffl hh mumụm mmm ùnllllleCSWlllhuũdnủ …. huuumtunmm L ' ! un RX Thuoc ban theo đơn Hộp 2 VI x 7 wen “Ý LUNGAỈR 10mg SLUƠ_ 1 ~ _ ,- ,. g iN,-ttri N1Ctitttẹliikdr.it 2 ị @… smúm:ffl ị 11124. Kofmg'lnúMỉdmAme. Kuadi-Pdtistan ——’ …nhmnwmmmman Nnủuqutun ……1munắMimllơldmnillt-ụ ĐonlgffldtúnìủnẸủclP cu ahgcn c… nu: Nh ÙẳỦWỦỆMUẢÍIMỀÚM m…:mmù Ibụh mmmmmmmmnnu ith dcthủqvùbn. IIMDNMC / hD'w LUNGAIR [Montelukcst Sodium) 10ms Tablets Each film coated tabiet contains: Montelukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to MontelukastAcid 10rng. Specification: in-House. Mt Lic. No. 000105 Ba ớ… Exp DatelHD dd/mmlyyyy Dougc: As directed by the doctor. Keep out of the reach of chitdren. Q Manufactuređ by; NABIOÁSIH INWSTRIES (P'V'D LTD. 17/24. Korangi lndustriat Area. Karecht—Pakistan. LUNGAIR [Montelukost Sodium) 10ms Tablets Each film coated tablet contains: Montetukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to MontetukastAcid 10mg. Specification: In-House. Mtg. Lic. oNo. 000105 Batch Exp. Daẹe/HD: ddlmmlyyyy Dosago: As directed by the doctor. Keep out of the reach ot ohildron. Q Manufactured by. NABIQASIM INDUSTRIES (PV?) LTD. 17I24 Korangi Industrial Area. Karachi-Pakictan, LUNGAIR (Montelukost Sodium) 10ms Tablets Each film coated tablet contains: Montelukast Sodium 10 4rng e q. to Monteiukast Acid.1.0mg Specit'ication tn-Hbuse Mig. Lic. No. 000105 Ba tch No Exp. DatelHD. ddlmmlyyyy Dougo: As directed by the doctor. Keep out ot the reach o! children. Q Manufactured by: NABIQASIH INWSTRIES (PVT) LTD. 17124 Korangi lndustnal Area Karacthakistan. LUNGAIR [Montelukost Sodium) 10rns Tablets Each film coatod tablet contains: Montelukast Sode 10.4mg e.q. to Monteiukast Acid 10mg. Specitìcationt In-House. Mfg Lic. No. 000105 Batch No Exp. DatelHD: ddlmm/yyyy Dosage: As directed by the doctor. Keep out of the reach ot chitdren. PQ Manutlctured by. NABIQASIM INDUSTRIES IPVT) LTD. 17/24. Komngí Industrial Ama. Karachi-Pakmtun. LUNGAIR [Montelukost Sodium) 10mg Tablets Each film coaied lablet oontains: Montelukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to MontelukastAcid 10mg. Specificatỏon: In-House. Mf . Lic. No. 000105 Ba ch No: Exp. Date/HD: dd/mmlyyyy Douge: As directed by the doctor. Keep out of the reach of children. Q Manutaduơeđ by NABIOASUU INDUSTRIES (FVT) LTD. 17|24_ Korangi lndustnal Area, Karad'tơ-Pakistan. LUNGAIR (Montelukost Sodium) 10ms Tablets Each tilm coated tabtet contains: Montelukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to Montelukast Acid 10mg. Specitication: ln-House. Mtg. Lic. No. 000105 Batch No: Exp. DatelHD: ddlmmlyyyy Dougo: As directed by the doctor. Keep out of the reach ot children. Q Manufactured by NABIQASH INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD. 17/24, Korangi lndustnal Am, Kametu-Pakistan. qềi LUNGAIR (Monteiukost Sodium) 10ms Teblets Each film coated tabtet contains: Montelukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to MonielukastAcid 10mg. Speciúcation: ln-House. Mtg. Lic. o_No. 000105 BatchN Exp DatelHD: dd/mm/yyyy Dosage: As directed by the doctor. Keep out of the reach ot children. g Manutactuned by: NABIOASIM INDUSTRES lPVT) LTD. 17124. Komngi Industrial Ama. Karachi-Pakỏstan. LUNGAIR (Montelukcst Sodium) 10ms Tablets Each film coateđ tablet contains: Montelukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to Montelukast Acid 10mg. Specificaũon: ln-House. Mfg. Lic. No. 000105 Batch No: Exp. DatelHD~ dd/mmlyyyy Dongo: As difected by the doctor. Keep out of the reach of childơcn. Q Manufactured by NABIQASIH INIDI.DSoTRIE$y (PVT ) LTD. 17r24 Korangi Industml Area Karachi-Paknstan. LUNGAIR (Montelukost Sodium] 10ms Tablets Each film coated lablet contains: Montetukast Sodium 10.4mg e.q. to Monteiukast Acid 10mg. Speciũcation: ln—House. Mfg. Lic. No. 000105 Bat o: Exp. Date/HD; ddlmm/yyyy Dongo: As ditected by the doctor. Keep out of the reach of children. …Ệ Manufactured by uAaloAsm mousmes twn un. 17/24. Konngi Industrial Ama Karachi-Pakistan. - 139mm AluAbBlisterFoilmm-twwm 1 , E + "Lưu ý những sản phẩm đăng trên website thuộc loại thực phẩm chức năng: những sản phẩm này không phải là thuốc và không có tác dụng thay thế thuốc chữa bệnh" + Dùng thuốc theo chỉ định của Bác sĩ + Đọc kỹ hướng dẫn sử dụng trước khi dùng
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